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Happy Kids with Books

Our Modules Are Free!

Assembly Hall

Kingdom Representative

This module will help the children understand Who we are, Whose we are, Why we are on earth, Who they are representing and Why we do what we do as Kingdom believers and will help every child be aware of their identity in a world full of identity crisis.


Little Girl Praying

Spiritual Intelligence

This module is crafted to support children establish a living relationship with God as they understand the importance of their walk with God, prayers, studying the word, and hearing from God as the Holy Spirit awakens wisdom in them and gives them the understanding to thrive in life.

Pre-requisite: Kingdom Representative
Mother and Daughter Love

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand one’s feelings, how to use and manage those feelings in a positive way. This program will give children a great insight into how emotion influences and motivate their behaviour.

Pre-requisite: Spiritual Intelligence
Library Book Shelves

Mental Intelligence

In our world today, mental health is a common illness, but there is a solution found in the word of God. This module Is designed to support children understand how to control their mind and build a strong Mental Strength with the word of God and live according to His values and principles.

Pre-requisite: Emotional Intelligence

Financial Intelligence

Understanding money and its uses are key in life and it’s important as children of God to understand money and its uses. There is a difference between money and wealth. In this module, students will understand it’s God’s desires to bless us with great wealth and it is through Him we get wealth.

Pre-requisite: Mental Intelligence
Business Handshake

Business Intelligence

Everyone who is Kingdom-minded and is an Entrepreneur is employed by God. God is the initiator of that business and we must give account to Him. In this module children will be taught that God is in charge of that business, they must carry out that business with excellence and great attentiveness to Him, following every instruction He gives; at the end, great profit will be theirs.

Pre-requisite: Financial Intelligence
Search Team

Team Spirit

and Team Work

At creation, there was God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The perfect and first team that ever exist on earth. We see God say in Genesis 1:26, “let Us”. In this Module, children we learn the importance of Team Spirit and Team Work which makes task or work in life, much easier, faster, and brings out creativity and the best in them.

Pre-requisite: Business Intelligence

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is part of life. We all will have conflict at one stage or the other in life. It is important to understand how to handle these conflicts that could be personal or with others. In this module, children will learn what conflict is designed to help them achieve in life, and how to handle them, be it challenges, trials, temptations, misunderstandings etc.

Pre-requisite: Team Spirit and Team Work
Smiling Volunteers

Effective Communication

Life is designed with communication. We communicate every day with people and it’s important to speak with wisdom and grace. In this module, children will
learn the power of words, how their words could affect others, positively or negatively. The power in the word of God and how to use it to better their lives and others.


Pre-requisite: Conflict Resolution
Creative Class


In this module, children will learn that they have an ability to be creative as their Father God, how their brains work and how their gifts and talents can be used to glorify God and make a positive impact in the world.

Pre-requisite: Effective Communication
Wedding Table Set



In this module, children will learn Kingdom etiquette and why things are done the way they are done in the Kingdom.

Pre-requisite: Creativity
Television Sillouhette

Positive Use 

of The Media

In this module, children will learn the possible dangers of media, as they learn how to wisely use it for success.


Pre-requisite: King's Etiquette

Dealing with Peer Pressure

Our children are faced with peer pressure by the day. In this module, they will learn how to stand for the truth and be great examples of their faith as they grow.

Pre-requisite: Positive Use of The Media

Agile for kids

God is an Agilest. You were born with an Agile nature in you. The children will learn what Agile even means and how to put it to use as they grow up.

Pre-requisite: Born to Lead

Living in


In spite of all that is going around us today, we can raise and teach our children to choose a more superior life, be focused as the build a strong relationship with God. Purity is required to live such a life.

Pre-requisite: Dealing with Peer Pressure
Code on Laptop Computer

Coding and Website Designing

The world is going digital, our children can begin to impact their world as they build and develop useful apps and websites that will impact their world positively and improve the quality of life for humanity.

Pre-requisite: Agile for Kids

Born to Lead

Our Children were born to lead others, rule and dominate affairs of life in their spheres of influence.

This module is designed to equip them with the right skillsets to thrive as empowering leaders in their world.

Pre-requisite: Living in Purity
Code on Laptop Computer

Mindfulness and The Kingdom

In these times, our children need to be fortified with the right tools to engage and win in this world.

It starts with a deep Mindfulness of who they are, whose they are and the Kingdom they operate from.

Pre-requisite: Coding and Website Designing
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